Citi and other big banks wisely chose not to follow the lead of Bank of America ( BAC) in imposing fees for using debit cards. 花旗和其他大型银行也已经明智地决定,不效法美国银行(BankofAmerica)收取借记卡服务费的做法。
The product-oriented application silos that comprise most core banking solutions lead to data redundancy for core bank data domains, such as customer and product data. 面向产品的应用程序竖井(silo)组成了大多数核心银行解决方案,带来了核心银行数据领域(如客户和产品数据)的数据冗余。
And last week I was proud to nominate him to lead the World Bank& Dr. Jim Yong Kim. 上个星期,我荣幸地提名他为世界银行(worldbank)行长金辰勇(JimYongKim)博士。
Finally, completely out of the blue, last year President Obama asked me to stand as a candidate to lead the World Bank Group. 最后,就如晴天霹雳一般,去年奥巴马总统邀请我作为领导世界银行集团的候选人之一。
While the proposals, which critics argue will lead to more volatility in bank earnings, are intended to increase the transparency of accounts for investors, they are also expected to trigger a backlash from some in the financial services industry. 批评者辩称,该建议将导致银行盈利出现更大的波动性。虽然建议旨在为投资者提高银行帐目的透明度,但它们也将引发金融服务业一些人士的激烈反对。
Mr Pandit's allies within Citi – a company that has often been riven by infighting among rival factions – insist that he can lead the bank out of the turmoil. 潘伟迪在花旗内部的盟友该银行经常被敌对派系之间的内讧弄得四分五裂坚称,他可以领导这家银行摆脱这场动乱。
Lead to the bank's database to find the source of the attack. 以此来找到攻击的源头。
JPMorgan on Monday announced the hiring of one of Asia's leading corporate lawyers to head its China business and expanded the role to lead the bank's ambitious plans in the country. 美国金融服务集团摩根大通(JPMorgan)周一宣布,已聘请一名顶尖的亚洲公司法律师执掌其中国业务,并扩大了这一职位的职能,使其带领该银行推进在中国各项雄心勃勃的计划。
The US administration will name former Trade Representative Zoellick to lead the World Bank, an official said on Tuesday. 一名官员周二表示,美国政府奖提名前贸易代表佐利克出任世界银行行长。
However, he concedes that it will also lead to the investment bank playing a supporting role to the wealth and asset management arms. 不过他承认,重组也将使投行业务发挥支持财富和资产管理部门的作用。
This could eventually lead to a situation where a bank failure would not risk a systemic crash, but we are not there yet, he warns. 最终可能出现这样的结果:某一家银行破产,但不至于引发系统性崩盘。但他又说,我们还没有到那种境地。
Feedback from the consultations will lead to revised guidelines for World Bank staff. 世行将根据磋商获得的反馈意见,修订世界银行的工作人员指南。
Such an exercise could lead to a more thorough bank balance sheet clean-up, the absence of which might be the biggest obstacle to lending. 这一举措可能会使得银行资产负债表得到更加彻底的清理,从而扫除最大的放贷障碍。
UBS said on Thursday that it suffered a loss in the range of$ 2 billion from unauthorized trading at its investment bank, which might lead the bank to be unprofitable in the third quarter. 周四,瑞银发表声明称,旗下投资银行部门发生未授权交易,使其遭受了大约20亿美元的损失,可能会导致银行第三季度财报出现亏损。
The idea is opposed by some of the big state-owned banks, which fear more competition, and by some officials who worry it could lead to an explosion in new bank credit. 该建议遭到了一些大型国有银行的反对,它们担心这会加剧竞争;同时一些官员也表示反对,他们担心这可能导致新银行贷款的急剧膨胀。
Mr Pandit said the emergence of new corporate champions outside the developed world was likely to lead to the bank seeing the share of its business from emerging markets increase. 潘伟迪表示,发达世界以外新的企业冠军的出现,可能导致花旗新兴市场业务份额增长。
Jim Yong Kim, the American health expert nominated by President Barack Obama to lead the bank, is expected to win the race in April. 由美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)提名的美国卫生问题专家金辰勇(JimYongKim)预计将在4月份的世行行长角逐中胜出。
The Application of Semi-circle Bank Body in Lead Bank, Breakwater in Power Plants 半圆型堤体在电厂导堤和防波堤中应用可行性研究
Back Factors in the Lead of National Development Bank to Reform 国家开发银行率先改革的背后因素
Discussion on the Roles of Lead Bank System to the Reform of State-owned Enterprices 试析主办银行制度对国有企业改革的作用
Among them, one of the reasons that damage the sanity and safety of the bank and lead to the bank crisis is that a lot of non-performing assets ( NPA) have been produced directly. 在这其中,直接损害银行稳健与安全、导致银行危机产生的主要问题之一就是不良资产(NON-PERFORMINGASSETS)的产生。
Those economic crises occurred in 90's 20~ ( th) centuries lead to universal concern about bank risks all over the world. 20世纪90年代国际上发生的几次金融危机,引起了世界范围内对银行风险的普遍关注。
Some Thoughts on Practising Lead Bank System in China 对我国推行主办银行制的若干思考
The external audit and internal audit of Agricultural Bank of China ( ABC) show that it's strategy is not consonant with it's external environment and internal distinctive competence, which lead to the weakness of bank's competitiveness. ABC's continuous growth faces challenge. 对中国农业银行外部环境及内部条件的分析表明,其现行战略不具备与外在基础与内在素质的良好协调,银行的竞争力表现较弱,可持续成长面临挑战。
However, with the coming of the present Japanese financial crises is it possible for China to put lead bank system into practice? 但是目前日本金融危机的爆发,主办银行制度还能在中国实施吗?
The introduction of The Regulation of The Financial Leasing Company in 2007 lead the bank financial leasing company re-boarded the leasing stage after the ten years absence of financial leasing market. 2007年《金融租赁公司管理办法》的出台,使阔别金融租赁市场十年之久的银行系金融租赁公司又重新登上了租赁舞台。
But this will worsen, and financial environment in adverse selection and moral hazard mechanism under the action of bad debt defaults, appear, so as to lead to bad bank credit the continuous accumulation, inevitably leads to long-term economic development are conditioned. 但这样又会恶化金融环境,在逆向选择和道德风险机制的作用下,出现呆账坏账等问题,从而导致银行不良信贷不断积累,必然导致经济长期发展受到制约。
Commercial banks to comply with the "risk and return balance," the basic principles, through the adjustment of dynamic management of internal funds transfer pricing and operational guidance, interest rates, lead bank deposits, loans and re-pricing structure, maturity structure of the optimal adjustment. 商业银行遵循风险与收益相平衡的基本原则,通过动态管理调整内部资金转移价格和业务指导利率,引导银行存、贷款期限结构和重定价结构的优化调整。
America is financial holding model; German belongs to universal banking model and Japan is lead bank model. 美国属于金融控股公司模式;德国属于全能银行模式;日本主办银行模式。
But this institution will lead commercial bank to incentive distortion and moral hazard, and compose a threat to the financial system. 但这种制度会引起商业银行的激励扭曲和道德风险,对金融体系的良性运转构成威胁。